Saturday, August 16, 2008

Choosing a Site for Your Water Well!

Millions of people enjoy the benefits of having their own water wells from which they get their water for drinking, sanitation, irrigation and other uses. One of the first considerations for people who have recently acquired land for a retreat or bug-out is the establishment of a good source of water; one of their primary options is drilling a water well. If you decide to drill your own or have one drilled for you, you will need to choose a proper site so that your water will stay clean and pure.

Your four main items that need to be considered before you drill a water well are;

1.) The geology of the area (what’s under the ground)

2.) The contours of the land (what’s above ground)

3.) Any possible hazards to your water supply (herbicides and/or pesticides in use in the area and bacterial contamination from flooding in the area).

4.) Easy access to the well and the well site site (for repairs, maintenance, etc.).

Normally contaminants are filtered out as water seeps back into the ground and returns to the aquifer where water is stored in the earth. A good well site should be several hundred yards from any possible contamination. Avoid feedlots, animal pens, dumping grounds, etc. due to the possibility of contamination. It is also best to avoid low spots where heavy rains or flooding could allow surface water levels to rise above the well head and cause further contamination of your water well.

It’s always a good practice to check with your neighbors in the area who already have water wells and who can give you advice on drilling your water well. You can also consult the “local” telephone directory to find a qualified water well drilling contractor.

Be sure to check all local, regional, and state rules and regulations concerning water wells before you drill a well to make sure you will be in complince wtih any laws.

Further information can be found here: is a top resource for information on private water well systems and ground water. Be sure and check out some of the new videos on their site.

Hope this information will be helpful.

Be aware. Be informed. Be prepared.



  1. Very excited to find your blog! I was looking for information on putting in a well, and ran across your archived article. Now I am looking at your other entries. I see we are both fans of "The Survival Podcast" and are both proud Texans.. :)

    Keep up the great work.

  2. To: Dene

    Just trying to help people be prepared. Glad to know there are a few Texans that are interested.


