Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ike Update

Ike is heading southwest like I anticipated he would, and will soon be in the Gulf. There is a frontal system steering Ike in this direction, and low pressure moving in from the west that will help pull Ike along.

At this point it looks like another northern Gulf landfall, but this far out it's anyone's guess. He is a borderline catagory 3 at this time, which is amazing due to the relatively cool water he is over, and the amount of wind shear he's experiencing. But once he moves into the Gulf, he'll have less shear to contend with, and some really nice warm water to feed on. Y'all keep your eyes peeled, he's gonna be a monster. The models show him slipping northward behind the front, but I think the computer model thinks the southern part of the frontal boundary will dissapate. I don't know about that, we'll just have to watch. Me, I think Ike will skirt right along that frontal boundary, staying in the lower Gulf, then turning northward after the front passes...

Either way, this is definitely a storm to keep a close eye on if you live anywhere on the Gulf coast.....

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