Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Member Information Update - Victims of Ike

Well it seems we had a couple of members who suffered from the devastation of Hurricane Ike. Luke in Beaumont had some roof damage to his home and lost the roof to his porch and all of his fencing around his home. Luke was pretty well prepared and weathered the storm even though it got a little "hairy". His family was able to bug-out to the Hill Country and is doing well. He's just waiting for authorities to get the power back on line and right now that looks like it's going to be a couple of weeks before that happens. He also said the water supply was contaminated by the salt water and that the sewer systems were a mess. Let's keep Luke and his family in our thoughts and prayers as he and his family work to recover from the effects of Ike.

Bobby in Galveston didn't do so well. Bobby's home was only about a block from the bay and after talking to a neighbor found out that about 3 foot of water got into the house. Bobby was able to bug-out to a safe location northwest of Houston and is currently staying in a motel till authorities can get the power back on and start letting people back in. Bobby's a little nerve-wracked at this time and I can understand why. This hurricane caused a lot of damage and it'll probably be months before the full extent of the damages are known. Let's keep Bobby in our thoughts and prayers and help Bobby get over this devastating storm. Bobby won't know the full amount of damages until they start letting people back in and won't have full computer services for a while.

Be aware. Be informed. Be prepared.



  1. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. It ain't much, but donation sent. Y'all need it more than I do.

  2. y'all are in my prayers. may God aid you in your time of struggle.

    hang tough!

  3. This is very kind of you Riverwalker, these folks need our help and prayers.

    Is there an address where those of us who do not have the ability to pay electronically we can send donations to?

  4. If they were prepared they wouldn't need a handout. Would They. People living in flood plains and in low coastal areas need to appreciate that they are more prone to disaster. Common sense would dictate a move from harms way. Basic Survival.

  5. Hey bud, apparently reading isn't your strong suit.... They did bug out. Then they came home to find it destroyed. Even with insurance, it takes time to get things back together. In the mean time, they could use a little help rather than snide comments.....

  6. Anonymous 1:01 PM,
    if you visit my blog you will see that I made some nasty commentary on Louisiana's recovery effort.
    But I did sign my name to it... I will take this time to wish all the Texas folks well, Dragon
