Friday, August 14, 2009

New Member - Welcome to Jimmy in East Dallas

I’d like everyone to give a big Texas welcome to Jimmy from East Dallas as a new member of the Texas Preppers Network. You can contact Jimmy (CC) or you can also visit his blog at Prepare Your Family . His blog and email are located in the side bar for future reference.

Jimmy looks forward to sharing ideas and information with everyone.

Be aware. Be informed. Be prepared.



  1. Welcome aboard! I got you linked over at my blog..

  2. Welcome Jimmy!! You will love this!!:)

  3. Thanks all,

    I appreciate the support. I've been prepping for some time, but just recently decided to start a blog. I'm still adding to my "stuff" as I'm sure everyone is. But it seems I spend more and more of my time trying to convince my friends and neighbors to get ready. I figured this was the next evolution.

    I've had a few ppl ask for my plans that I did on my solar food dehydrator. I honestly didn't make any written plans- I just kind of made it up in my head. If there's someone who could draw up a model (maybe Google Sketch up), that would be cool.

    Anyhow, glad to be here. Spread the word.

