Saturday, October 3, 2009

An Exhausted Nation Cries for Help

Pickdog comment:

I for one will never surrender. I believe there are many millions just like me out there. A band of brothers and sisters who will never live as slaves. It is soon upon us. Prepare yourselves physically, mentally and spiritually for what is to befall us. For we are the Remnant.

An Exhausted Nation Cries for Help
17:20 by Administrator. Filed under: Whatever
by John Galt

October 2, 2009

As the empty homes and farms become a blur throughout my drive across the middle of Florida I notice the little things that tell me that our society, our people, our nation is tired, beaten and worn down after a decade of incompetence, conspiracy, criminal activity and an almost surreal level of wealth extraction and destruction. From every other cyclical down turn our nation had a moral compass that allowed us to rebuild, restore and renew our system yet this time it feels as if the unique character that allows the decadal restoration to occur is being obstructed by a new, unique power structure determined to divert our society down a failed path of socialist utopia, leaving the average citizen enslaved to the nation state.

As I passed through the small village of Wahneta, Florida I noticed a twenty something year old unshaven and worn man sitting on the back of his old SUV holding a hastily made cardboard sign that simply said “I need work” yet the traffic kept flowing as nobody could help. You see similar scenes throughout the Southeastern states in the small and large towns, where the grocery stores are often backed up with lines of women holding their crying children attempting to pay for their groceries with the government food stamps or sitting in the parking lot asking for handouts. It begs a question to the ivory tower economists and their ilk; is this the ‘recovery’ you claim is under way or is it just because you were able to scalp another 15% by manipulating retiree stock accounts for one more churn and putting more citizens out into the streets?

Meanwhile the government of some of the people designed now to profit a few of the people is attempting to assault the remaining freedoms under our Constitution and diminish the ability of the masses to remove the corrupt souls from their positions of power. The opposition is embattled and assaulted verbally and via various goon squads be they private community organizers, trade unions or the ultimate power, the IRS and their gun carrying Gestapo like police force. Thus speaking out or defending your freedoms now is no longer a no-risk proposition, you have to accept that just by reading or speaking out is no longer a luxury it is a danger which will only become more perilous as the grip on a new supreme power center tightens. The period of heightened danger has arrived, but will those in control listen to what the masses say and others warn?

A Large Dangerous Giant Slumbers but for How Long?

As the statists continue to poke and prod at the giant, they fail to realize who and what this giant consists of. The mainstream media would have you believe it to be a vast right wing conspiracy. The left wing would have you believe it is nothing but a bunch of kooks. The Republican Party would have you believe it is nothing but a group of disgruntled anti-government types who must be minimalized to insure the status quo remains. Yet this game all parties play ignores the fact that tens of millions of Americans are begging, pleading, beseeching these fools to not awaken this giant from its slumber, to allow it to sleep and satisfy its need for freedom, prosperity and peaceful existence.

They have not and will not listen though.

This giant holds true to the original intent of our nation, our traditions, our freedoms and the ideals of its founders. Parts of this giant stand on the wall, protecting these elites from enemies both foreign and domestic. Other members of this giant just work, pay their taxes and create or expand our society via economic expansion though these members are tiring from the acceleration of the assault on their freedoms. To attempt to destroy the heritage and history this giant believes in will awaken this giant and yet the statists persist in tormenting the beast.

I warn you now:

Do not wake up this beast.

Allow it to slumber. Allow it to live under the beliefs, freedoms and original intent of our founding fathers. Allow America to stay a free, Constitutional God fearing nation.

If you do not abide by these wishes, I warn you based on the history of our country and the resolve of the citizens when their ire crosses the border of resolution via traditional manners.

The giant is vengeful.

The giant is merciless.

The giant is righteous yet wicked in its methods.

The consequences of forcing our nation to change against its will is not a swing in the pendulum of history; it is the destruction of the pendulum and rebirth of a new nation.

The giant will end all discussions, all contemplations, all neutrality and settle all matters and any scores without logic or reason if need be.

I beg you elites to quit prodding, poking, attacking and taunting the giant before it is too late.

Actions and Words Have Consequences

If the elites fail to heed these warnings, which they usually do throughout history, the giant will finish its work and resume the task of living and working. It will no longer be a socialist or corporatist utopia. It will no longer be a union as we recognize it today, but a new confederation of nations, each with differing beliefs, governance and economies. The words and actions of those in the positions of the elite are playing the people as suckers yet the fail to realize that if the choice is between enslavement and the deconstruction of the Republic, many will choose the latter while many others will have other options imposed upon them.

As the new creation emerges as a confederation of states and nations, some might elect to unite with other nations almost as colonial subjects, be it a “world” entity like the United Nations or Commonwealth style subjects to continue the Marxist fantasy of world Socialist domination and unification. The union will be irrevocably shattered as many nations and powers will elect to profit and benefit from the dissolution of our country. Alliances will be created out of thin air as mercantilists and geopolitical strategists understand how the new nations will function, much like the destruction of the U.S.S.R. or Yugoslavia.

Many individual Americans will probably reap huge profits from such a historic event by trading freedoms for peace and alliances for funding and power. Think not of this period as just an economic event because it shall be one that shapes two generations of our neighbors and friends, and survivors in democratic countries throughout the world. The arrogant claim of “it can’t happen hear” shall be silenced like the voices of the suffering Jews during the Nazi engineered holocaust of the 1930’s and 1940’s. Yet so few understand that this will cross many borders and eradicate many myths of superiority and invincibility propagated by decades of peace, slothfulness and ignorance of world affairs.

1861 or 1991?

This begs the question that we must all pray someone is paying attention to; will we dissolve as our ancestors did in 1861 or as modern day Yugoslavia in 1991? I fear that we will first test the waters of economic and political incompetence much like Argentina did then proceed to the dreaded outcome as our people suffer greater and greater inequities and the freedoms are destroyed state by state, soul by soul. I thus propose that in our current time line it is 1860 and the mixing cup is being filled. It will be shaken, stirred and poured out on top as a noxious cocktail of gasoline and kerosene on top of a raging fire, which explodes in the face of the elitist cooks.

Remember that throughout history great empires and nations were rarely conquered, most imploded from within. The self-immolation usually consisted of slaughter and pillage that most civilized souls rarely imagined with the elites escaping through the back door like Roman rulers fleeing the barbarians before they arrived at the gates, leaving the nation open for the worst of consequences.

Only God and the victors know what the new evolutionary outcome will be and what it will mean for all individuals who survive. The is no honor in a victory when one surrenders their freedoms to achieve it and that is what makes most Americans unique to the era we are entering. Thus you have to decide whether or not to engage and work with those that only believe in the Founders vision and use God’s guidance in your decisions to come. Compromise in times like these is nothing more than politically correct phrase for appeasement; never trade your values to these vultures, ever.

I remind you that capitulation to tyrrany will result in a modern American holocaust far worse than anything experienced in human history. Thus this is my one and only bugler’s call to action. Prepare as if there is no tomorrow because now, there is not. Remember how tired you are now and the cries for help you hear about you? America is crying for help, exhausted, unable to lift her arms to the heavens with the torch of freedom. You will have plenty of time to sleep though when you are dead. Rest not for we are at the crossroads of history where corruption is the rule of the day, unseen since the times of Lincoln, Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and FDR. Thus you must move beyond “hope” as that is nothing more than a request of others to prepare for you; evil is in full mobilization now and the powers of purity and good are so, so sadly far behind.


  1. WOW, That really hits me in the brain,But I believe you have nailed it,It seems that you can forget this situation at times as you go about everyday life but I WILL continue to prep on & be ready,Good Luck to ALL.

  2. It is becoming a seething undercurrent of a feeling. More and more people who previously were oblivious, are now realizing that something is wrong with their country, that it has developed an illness and something must be done.

    It's up to those that love liberty and freedom to make those newly aware folks realize that a further plunge into the pocket of the government is not the answer.

    Spend a portion of every day making the case against those who seek to ruin this country.

    Jeff B.

  3. Dudes right,you nailed it.Lots of people are starting to see it.but still a lot who dont.Sad very sad.
