Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Membership in the TPN

It’s been a while since I talked about membership in The Texas Preppers Network. I talked to Mayberry the other night for quite a while and this is just one of the topics we covered. We are always looking for new persons to join the network and help others in our great state become more aware, more informed about relevant issues and better prepared to deal with adverse conditions, emergencies or a crisis.

So how do you become a member?

First, you don’t need to be a blogger. All you need to be is a Texan concerned with preparedness issues that are of interest or relevant to the unique conditions Texans face everyday.

Second, you will need a non-personal e-mail address that can be posted so that other members can contact you about information on happenings in your area of the state. Texas is a big place and much too large for any one person to stay effectively informed about any disasters or emergencies that may occur. We rely on local people to supply relevant information and insight on things that are happening in their area. A non-personal e-mail will also allow you to set up some serious spam controls. It is unfortunate that there are a lot of “e-mail farmers” that collect e-mail addresses posted on the internet, so get ready to get a little spam. Personally, I get a LOT!

Third, send your thoughts on being better prepared or information on ideas that you think may help others be better prepared. You can e-mail Mayberry or myself and we will see to it that your information is posted on TPN. If you are a blogger, you may also be given posting privileges once you are a listed member.

Fourth, your level of participation is decided by you. Serious bloggers know how time consuming it can be to maintain a site. This is being done for you and all we ask is that you submit your thoughts and ideas whenever possible. I don’t post a lot of information directly on TPN because it is meant as a place to share ideas that are specific to preparedness issues in the great Sate of Texas. My personal blog, Stealth Survival, is more of a general nature where survival and preparedness topics are concerned. You also don’t have to be a Hemingway to write something relevant. It may be a great link to a website that you know about, it could be something involving your own experience in preparedness or an update on severe weather conditions that may be affecting your area and is of interest to others in the same area. The smallest of things can have a big impact on being prepared.

Just as a computer network allows individual computers to be connected so that everyone can access needed information, so too is the purpose of the TPN. It is to allow individuals to connect with each other to have access to more and better information.

Be aware. Be informed. Be prepared.


Special Note:

MH and CK in Texas: I will be contacting you shortly or you can email me directly.


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