Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Top Ten Prepping Mistakes - Mistake #1 - Lack of Planning

Many people realize the importance of being prepared but sometimes can create more problems than they solve if it is not done properly. First and foremost of the things you should do is to formulate a plan for your survival and the survival of your family. You will need a plan. It may not be the best plan but it will be a plan. Without a plan, you may find yourself wondering what to do next if the worst happens.

Always do your own research and develop a plan that will fit your needs and the needs of your family. While there are a great many sources of valuable information that is available, not all that information may be accurate, reliable or applicable to your own situation. Everyone will have different needs that will need to be addressed by their own individual plan that will provide for their survival.

Planning is one of those intangible resources that cannot be neglected if you wish to be properly prepared. In a perfect world, a single plan might work for everyone but the sad truth is that we live in an always changing and slightly less than perfect world.

Your planning should address a variety of different factors. Some of these factors include your location, your climate, your resources (both tangible and intangible) and any special needs your family may have. All of these different factors and others can create unique and special circumstances that you will need to plan for ahead of time if you want to survive.

The best plan is the one that addresses the individual needs of you and your family.

Be aware. Be informed. Be prepared.


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