Thursday, January 6, 2011

Weather Update - Possible Arctic Blast in South Central Texas

The weather models have been pointing toward a possible extreme cold weather outbreak next week across much of the country; this includes the South Central Texas area. Everything has to be just right to get a major arctic blast into our area, and the weather forecast models are showing things coming together for just such an event.

This possible cold outbreak starts with a strong cold front pushing through the area sometime on
Monday of next week. Arctic air over Canada will then continue to surge south into the southern plains through Tuesday and Wednesday of next week with a possibility of it lasting even longer towards the end of next week. The forecast weather pattern points toward the coldest air of the season with very hard freezes possible next week. The forecast models keep this arctic air over the plains area for the entire week, with reinforcing shots of cold air coming from western Canada, right down the lee side of the Rockies and into Texas. We could be looking at a lengthy cold outbreak with possible record low temperatures and record low maximum temperatures. Record lows across South Central Texas next week are generally predicted to be in the low to mid teens. The currently forecast weather patterns indicate some record temperatures could occur.

With that said, many things can happen between now and next week. The forecast models could change, the cold air could head a bit further east, etc. While it is way to early to tell you particulars of exactly how cold or how long this arctic blast could last, you should make your preparations ahead of time and increase your situational awareness. Please start following the weather forecasts very closely and logging onto weather websites frequently ( .

If this is what could be a true arctic blast, history has shown us that weather forecasting models will underestimate the strength of this cold air. If you have winter emergency action plans, now is the time to get them out and start to review them in preparation of for a possible need to be actively ready for this arctic blast.

This needs to be watched closely.

Be aware. Be informed Be prepared.



  1. Wrap those pipes! We lost some PVC piping and drained the tank at the retreat last year. I hope my wrapping is enough or I will need a punch more PVC :(

    Thanks for the heads up RW!


  2. To: Pickdog

    If you wait till it's on the five o'clock news, you may be too late.
    I'm betting that it's going to get really tough for a few days. Most people in this area are literally unprepared for the kind of temperatures we're probably going to be in for this time. The last time we had a severe arctic blast in my area there were a whole lot of people wound up with busted pipes and no water for number of plumbers available to fix things, etc.

    Thanks Pickdog! Stay warm!

